13 🤯 Stats about Experiential Marketing in 2024

In the post-pandemic world, experiential marketing is back on the rise as an effective and disruptive way for brands to create memorable and immersive experiences that engage consumers and drive valuable data insights. Unlike traditional advertising, experiential marketing engages consumers on a personal level, fostering emotional connections that can lead to long-term brand loyalty.

What is Experiential Marketing?

Experiential marketing is a strategy that focuses on creating memorable, immersive experiences for consumers. Rather than relying on traditional advertising methods, experiential marketing engages people directly, encouraging them to interact with a brand in a way that fosters emotional connections and long-term loyalty. These experiences can range from pop-up events and interactive installations to brand activations and product sampling, all designed to leave a lasting impression.

What Types of Brands Benefit from Experiential Marketing Campaigns?

Experiential marketing is a versatile strategy that can be applied across various industries. Consumer brands, such as those in the fashion, food, and beverage sectors, often use experiential marketing to create buzz and build strong brand identities. Technology companies benefit by allowing consumers to experience their products firsthand, which can lead to higher conversion rates. Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) and other types of travel brands leverage experiential marketing to attract visitors by offering immersive cultural or local experiences, enhancing the overall appeal of a location. Other sectors that see success with experiential campaigns include automotive, entertainment, and non-profits. Each of these industries uses experiential marketing to create deeper connections with their target audiences, ultimately driving engagement, sales, and loyalty.

Now, let’s dive in.

13 mind-blowing stats that showcase the power and impact of experiential marketing.

98% of Consumers Create Digital or Social Content at Experiential Events

Experiential marketing generates a wealth of user-generated content (UGC). Nearly all attendees at experiential events share their experiences on social media, amplifying the brand’s reach far beyond the event itself. Event producers are catching on to this trend and using event activation tools to collect the UGC, providing valuable marketing assets.

85% of Consumers Are Likely to Purchase After Participating in Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing doesn’t just engage—it converts. A significant majority of consumers are more likely to buy a product after participating in an experiential marketing event.

70% of Participants Become Repeat Customers After an Experiential Campaign

Experiential marketing is a powerful tool for customer retention and brand loyalty. A large percentage of participants in these campaigns become repeat customers, highlighting the long-term benefits of such initiatives.

65% of Brands Say Experiential Marketing Directly Leads to Sales

For many brands, experiential marketing isn’t just about building awareness—it’s a direct sales driver. More than half of companies report that these campaigns lead directly to increased sales.

72% of Millennials are more inclined to engage with brands that offer unique, immersive experiences.

Millennials and Gen Z are the most likely demographics to engage in experiential marketing events, such as pop-ups and interactive experiences. According to a study by Eventbrite, 78% of Millennials would rather invest in experiences than purchase material goods. Additionally, Gen Z also shows a strong affinity for these types of events, with 82% of this demographic attending live experiences like pop-ups and brand activations at least once a month. This makes both Millennials and Gen Z prime targets for experiential marketing strategies.

79% of Brands Say They Will Execute More Experiential Campaigns in the Future

The success of experiential marketing is clear, with the majority of brands planning to increase their investment in this area in the coming years.

60% of Marketers Use Experiential Marketing as Part of Their Brand Loyalty Strategies

Experiential marketing is a key strategy for building brand loyalty, with a majority of marketers leveraging these campaigns to strengthen relationships with their customers .

89% of Consumers Feel More Connected to Brands After Attending an Event

Experiential marketing fosters deep connections between consumers and brands, with nearly 90% of attendees feeling more connected to the brands they engage with at events. A significant majority of consumers report having a more favorable view of brands after attending an experiential event, especially those that deployed memorable event activations.

58% of Consumers Are More Likely to Share an Experience on Social Media

Experiential marketing doesn’t just reach event attendees—it reaches their social networks, too. A majority of consumers are more likely to share their experiences, boosting the brand’s visibility .

48% of Consumers Say Experiences Are the Best Way to Learn About a Product

For nearly half of consumers, experiential marketing provides a more effective way to learn about a product than traditional forms of advertising .

87% of Consumers Say Brand Experiences Are More Memorable Than TV Ads

Traditional advertising is losing its luster, with a majority of consumers now preferring brands that offer experiences rather than just ads. Experiential marketing sticks with consumers, creating lasting memories that far outshine those generated by television advertising.

75% of Consumers Say They’re Likely to Tell Others About Their Experiential Marketing Experience

Word-of-mouth marketing is a powerful force, and experiential campaigns are a major driver. Most consumers who attend these events are eager to share their experiences with others .

$75.16 Billion Was Spent on Experiential Marketing in 2022

After tanking in 2020, experiential events have been on the rise again, growing 11.1% from 2021 to 2022. Experiential marketing spend is expected to continue to grow, hitting pre-pandemic levels this year (2024).

Experiential marketing is more than just a trend—it's a powerful tool that drives engagement, sales, and loyalty. These statistics highlight the undeniable impact that immersive, memorable experiences can have on both consumers and brands. As the marketing landscape continues to evolve, experiential marketing is set to play an even more significant role in how brands connect with their audiences.



1. EventTrack 2018 by Event Marketer

2. Freeman Global Brand Experience Study 2019

3. Harvard Business Review, The New Science of Customer Emotions

4. HubSpot, The Ultimate Guide to Experiential Marketing

5. Event Marketer, The Experiential Marketing Report

6. Bizzabo, 2019 Event Marketing Report

7. Momentum Worldwide, The Experience Revolution

8. PQ Media, Global Experiential Marketing Forecast


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